F&WE Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Committee

A committee in F&WE dedicated to improving Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.)

J.E.D.I. Committee Members

  • Tim Van Deelen (Professor, JEDI Chair)
  • Eric Kruger (Department Chair, JEDI ex-officio)
  • Zuzana Burivalova (Assistant Professor)
  • Amy Trowbridge (Assistant Professor) 
  • Anu Kramer (Research Scientist)
  • Karie Cherwin (Teaching Professor)
  • Michael Menon (Graduate Student)
  • Emma Lather (Graduate Student)
  • Gabriela Fleury (Graduate Student)
  • Spencer Keyser (Graduate Student)
  • Ivy Widick (Graduate Student)

We welcome questions, concerns, and suggestions! You can email the J.E.D.I. committee or reach any member at their university email. When contacting the committee, please use your university email to ensure your message reaches us.

For help addressing a grievance, please refer to the Russell Labs Hub Student Grievance Procedure or email our Graduate Program Manager