Extension and Outreach Overview
University of Wisconsin-Extension is the outreach arm of the University of Wisconsin System.
UW-Extension provides statewide access to university resources and research so the people of Wisconsin can learn, grow and succeed at all stages of life.
They carry out the tradition of The Wisconsin Idea – extending the boundaries of the university to the boundaries of the state – through its four divisions of continuing education, the cooperative extension service, entrepreneurship and economic development, and broadcast and media innovations.
UW-Extension uses education to help people understand and solve problems. Educational programs developed and conducted by county-based educators reflect local concerns. They apply knowledge from the University of Wisconsin, other universities and the United States Department of Agriculture.

Lifelong Learning
Our Extension and Outreach faculty and staff members are an important link between the various audiences that use our research products and the communities of scientists who create new knowledge. Extension faculty and staff:
- Enhance the public’s understanding of the role and value of forests and wildlife in the natural and social environment;
- Promote the use of sustainable methods of establishing, managing, and utilizing forest and wildlife resources
- Provide knowledge about the ecology, management, and conservation of forest and wildlife resources;
- Transfer ideas and technology to public and private land owners, professional resource managers, the general public, and youth;
- Work with clientele to identify research needs and disseminate research results to users.
Extension Specialties Within Our Department
Wildlife Ecology & Management
We advise Wisconsin citizens on matters relating to management of wildlife resources.
Wood Products & Forest Industry
We focus on wood products manufacturing in the Wisconsin forest products industry and beyond.
Extension Websites and Publications
Name | Resource Type | Description |
Forestry Facts | Articles | Subjects of interest to forest landowners, loggers, sawyers, and others. Subjects covered include forestry best management practices for water quality, Wisconsin’s Managed Forest Law property tax program, soil and site selection for plantings, processing trees to lumber, and many others. |
Wisconsin Woodland Owner Education | Website | The UW-Forestry Extension programs offer a wide variety of educational opportunities programming and materials for woodland owners. This website provides access to many of these initiatives. |
Wood Products Publications | Webpage | Publications and short courses related to wood properties, wood processing, and wood markets. Includes Lumber vs. Log Importer Estimator spreadsheet, Blue Stain brochure, and Wisconsin’s Wood Using Industry Database. |
Forest Habitat Guides | Guides | Contact the Kemp Natural Resources Station at kemp@cals.wisc.edu or 715-358-5667
Wildlife Ecology
Name | Resource Type | Description |
Living with Wildlife in Wisconsin: Solving Nuisance, Damage, Health & Safety Problems | Website | UW-Extension, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, and the WI Dept. of Natural Resources created this website to help resolve wildlife damage issues in the state. It includes useful fact sheets. |
The Learning Store (UW-Extension) | Publications | A variety of free wildlife publications you can download. You’ll find information on wildlife habitat management, wildlife damage management (e.g. bats, moles, woodchucks, woodpeckers), and bird watching and feeding. From the home page, select the “Natural Resources” category on the left-hand side and then click on “Wildlife”. |
Wisconsin Coverts Project | Program | A three-day woodland wildlife management program for private landowners who are interested in managing their woodlands for wildlife. |
Wildlife and Your Land Series | Publications | A 14-publication series by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources designed to offer suggestions to private landowners, on how to manage their land for wildlife. |