Wood Products - Extension
Scott Bowe
Professor and Wood Products Specialist
Kemp Natural Resources Station
9161 Kemp Road
Woodruff WI 54568
Phone: 715-892-0391
Email: sbowe@wisc.edu
Expertise: Wood Products Extension
Specialization and Interests
My interests focus on wood products manufacturing in the Wisconsin and global forest products industry. I work closely with the wood products industry in Wisconsin. Current projects focus on forest products markets, wood product life-cycle analysis, and wood manufacturing process improvement; all strategies for remaining competitive within a global forest products marketplace. I have also worked closely with the American wood industry to promote the science behind sustainable wood products around the world.
Wood Products Publications
Lumber Versus Log Import Estimator
A personal computer spreadsheet program to compare lumber versus log import opportunities. This manual was designed to provide a mechanism to consider and to compare the opportunities of foreign manufacturers to import U.S. manufactured hardwood lumber instead of purchasing U.S. hardwood logs.
Blue Stain Brochure
Is blue stain coloring your bottom line red? Millions of dollars are lost every year when logs develop blue stain. Stained wood results in lower value or rejected wood products. Understanding blue stain problems will help you maximize the value of your logs and increase profits, create better relationships with customers, and contribute to healthy and sustainable forests in Wisconsin. Learn how to prevent this wood discoloration.
Wisconsin’s Wood Using Industry Database
Wisconsin’s Wood Using Industry Database is a combination of the previous Primary and Secondary Wood Using Industry Databases. It consists of firms that manufacture logs and pulpwood into value added wood products. Specific examples include sawmills, plywood mills, and pulp mills. It also includes firms that manufacture dimensional and reconstituted wood products into value added wood products. Specific examples include furniture and cabinet manufacturers.