Emeritus Faculty

Joseph Buongiorno

 Title: Class of 1933 Bascom Emeritus Professor, John N. McGovern WARF Emeritus Professor
 Email: jbuongio@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Decision-making models, economic forecasting, international forestry, development planning
 Lab Website: http://buongiorno.russell.wisc.edu/

Scott Craven

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: srcraven@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Wildlife Extension
 Lab Website:  

Tom Gower

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: stgower@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Forest System Ecology
 Lab Website:  

Raymond Guries

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: rpguries@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Forest genetics

William Karasov

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: wkarasov@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Physiological ecology of terrestrial vertebrates.
 Profile Page:

Thomas Lillesand

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: tmlilles@wisc.edu  
 Expertise: Photogrammetry and remote sensing 

Craig Lorimer

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: clorimer@wisc.edu  
 Expertise: Silviculture and forest stand dynamics 

David Mladenoff

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: david.mladenoff@wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Forest Ecology, Landscape Ecology. 
 Lab Website: https://felel.labs.russell.wisc.edu/ 
 Profile Page:  https://forestandwildlifeecology.wisc.edu/people/faculty-and-staff/342-2/ 
 Notes: *No longer accepting graduate students.

Theodore Peterson

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: tapeters@wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Extension specialist in wood products and marketing. National Extension Leader with the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory on two National Projects: National Sawmill Improvement Program and the National Wood Products Extension Program. 

Robert Ray

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: rray@cals.wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Human behavior and natural resources management 

Christine Ribic

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: caribic@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Wildlife Biology & Ecology

Michael Samuel

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Phone: 608-263-6882 
 Email: mdsamuel@wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Assistant Unit Leader, USGS BRD
Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit 

Glen Stanosz

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: gstanosz@wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Diseases of trees and shrubs; fungal pathogens of trees; roles of microorganisms in natural ecosystems; plant health consultant. 
Profile Page: https://forestandwildlifeecology.wisc.edu/people/emeritus-faculty/glen-stanosz/

Jeffrey Stier

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: jcstier@wisc.edu

Stanley Temple

 Title: Beers-Bascom Professor Emeritus in Conservation, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Senior Fellow, Aldo Leopold Foundation
 Email: satemple@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Conservation biology and the ecology of birds, particularly rare and endangered species and birds of prey, at both the fundamental and applied levels.

Eugene Wengert

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: ewengert@wisc.edu
 Expertise: Extension specialist in wood products manufacturing, including sawing, grading, drying, rough mills,gluing, machining and related areas.

Raymond Young

 Title: Emeritus Professor
 Email: ryoung@wisc.edu 
 Expertise: Wood and polymer chemistry – approaches that improve the efficiency of wood utilization for paper and chemicals and which also eliminate or limit environmental hazards of water and air pollution.