Graduate Awards and Scholarships
Congratulations to the 2022 graduate student award recipients!
The 2021-22 Best Dissertation Awards went to Adam Chlus for Forestry, and to Kristin Brunk for Wildlife Ecology. Adam Chlus was advised by Dr. Townsend and is now a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. Kristin Brunk was co-advised by Drs. Peery and Pidgeon and is now a post-doc at Cornell University Lab of Ornithology).
The Hastings Award, which recognizes outstanding female graduate students from Forestry and Wildlife Ecology, went to Sarah Wegmueller (Forestry; advised by Dr. Townsend), and to Amy Shipley (Wildlife Ecology; advised by Dr. Zuckerberg).
The Joon Lee Award, given to a Forestry student with a recent publication, went to Natalie Quelly (advised by Dr. Townsend).
The George Kress Award, went to Tierney Bosci (advised by Dr. Rissman) in recognition of her scholastic aptitude and her contributions to the department, including the department goal of supporting sustainable forest management.
Terry Amundson Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Morgan Farmer, co-advised by Drs. Drake and Van Deelen, and Bijit Khadka, co-advised by Drs. Van Deelen and Pauli. Morgan and Bijit were presented with their awards at the local Ruffed Grouse Society Banquet at the end of September.
The McCabe-Keith Award was given to Jen Merem, Wildlife Ecology grad student advised by Dr. Van Deelen.
The Thomas O’Brien Award, bestowed annually to either a forestry or wildlife ecology grad student in the department, was awarded to Yu Lu (advised by Dr. Rissman).
The Howard Lewis Family Scholarship was awarded to Michael Menon, a wildlife ecology grade student advised by Dr. Drake.
The Helen H. Miller Forestry Scholarship was bestowed to Kate Thompson (advised by Dr. Townsend).
This article was posted in Awards, News, Undergraduate Student Resesarch.