Funding Information
Applications to graduate studies act as the application for financial support.
Offers of financial support accompany most offers of admission for students admitted to Forestry and Wildlife Ecology.
RA Positions
Most students in the department hold research assistantships (RA’s).
Availability: Limited
- Linked to RA appointments
- Reviewed and updated annually
- Current stipend info and program rates
Other Benefits:
- Tuition remission
- Health insurance plan comparable to the one faculty have
How to Apply:
- Check the list of current open positions: Graduate Training Opportunities webpage
- Contact faculty members in their interest area to ask about upcoming open positions
International Students
International students should refer to the International Applicant Financial Information website when preparing their applications. International students should submit their financial information only after a favorable admission decision has been made.
TA Positions
- Very few within the department
- Many opportunities elsewhere on campus
- Contact your advisor for a list of potential departments to contact
Other Types of Funding
In-course students are encouraged to apply for funding for their graduate education.
Although the department is committed to supporting students who continue to make good progress, there is considerable satisfaction and prestige associated with obtaining scholarships or grant support.
- External Fellowships: Check the Graduate School’s list of external fellowships.
- Scholarships: Check the department’s scholarship page.