2021 WI Coverts Project Reunion
2021 Wisconsin Coverts Project Reunion & Advanced Training
August 22-24, 2021
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells
Eighty-five landowners, including Coverts Cooperators and their guests, attended the 2021 Wisconsin Coverts Project Reunion & Advanced Training, August 22-23 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. The event kicked-off with a sunset dinner cruise along the Upper Dells region of the Wisconsin River. The cruise featured beautiful scenery, delicious food, live entertainment and an exclusive shore landing where passengers enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the torch-lit paths of Witches Gulch. The stunning sandstone cliffs and rock formations provided the perfect backdrop to relax and reunite with fellow Coverts Cooperators.
The three-day general program included 28 presentations on a diverse array of topics as well as an exhibitor social on Monday afternoon. Nineteen organizations/programs participated in the exhibitor social allowing attendees the chance to explore new programs and opportunities, meet and interact with forest and wildlife professionals, and to have their questions answered.
The event concluded with a field trip to the Aldo Leopold Foundation in Baraboo where tour guides led our group on tours of the Leopold Shack and the Leopold Center. Attendees learned about the history and philosophy of Aldo Leopold, walked through the landscapes that inspired “A Sand County Almanac”, and explored the famous Shack where one of our nation’s first attempts at land restoration was launched. At the Leopold Center, attendees learned how energy-efficient design, alternative energy technologies, and the use of local materials earned the Leopold Center its rating as one of the “greenest” buildings in the country and the world. The field trip was an inspiring conclusion to a terrific three days.
Click here to view the 2021 WI Coverts Project Reunion & Advanced Training agenda